Crestwood’s top priority is to promote and provide a safe, caring, and supportive environment in order to optimize camper and staff safety, effectiveness and respect within each cabin group and at camp in general. The discipline of campers begins at home with parents/guardians who are the first and primary caregivers for their children. This includes responsibility for social development, positive behaviour, and age-appropriate discipline. Crestwood encourages a partnership with parents/guardians in support of campers’ social and emotional growth. Clear behavioural expectations support camper engagement and are based on meaningful communication between peers, parents/guardians and staff at camp. Staff strive to create a positive camp culture that reinforces positive and productive behaviours while providing predictable and supportive consequences to behaviours that are identified as being inappropriate. It is the intent in all situations involving aggression to achieve fairness in consequences for the aggressor and support the victim.

Campers become aware of the consistent discipline approaches employed by camp staff and supervisors when a child exhibits inappropriate behaviour. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, progressive discipline practices are used. These practices include a wide range of positive practices to teach, reinforce, and address behaviour. Parents/guardians are always informed if a situation arises.

At the discretion of any of the Directors, a camper may be removed from camp if the camper has demonstrated, through a pattern of behaviour, that they have not prospered by the care and instruction available to them and that they are persistently resistant to making changes in behaviour which would enable them to prosper. A Director may ask that a camper be removed for one day or longer depending on the nature of the behaviour. Please note there are absolutely no refunds for missed days of camp for any reason, including but not limited to a camper’s inappropriate behaviour.

Camper Code of Conduct

Crestwood Valley Day Camp is a safe and caring community where individual differences are valued, where people are supported in reaching their goals and accomplishing challenges, and where everyone has fun. Creating a community requires the commitment of all participants, so we ask everyone to agree to the behaviour expectations listed below. All parents/guardians are expected to review and discuss these expectations together with their camper(s). At camp we refer to them as the ‘3Rs’.

I Will Show Respect For Others

  • I will respect other people’s ideas and values, even if they are different from my own.
  • All of my actions and language will have a positive impact on others in the Crestwood community.
  • I understand that any behaviour that could harm (physically or emotionally) a camper or staff member, or which is disrespectful, is unacceptable at Crestwood.

I Will Show Respect For Myself

  • I will make the most of learning opportunities at Crestwood by participating fully in
    activities, and I will try new things and have a positive attitude.
  • I will not allow exclusive relationships (like those with friends from home or school) to prevent me from getting to know other people at camp, or from including others in activities.
  • I will stay with my cabin group when moving around camp and always ask a counsellor before leaving the group.

I Will Show Respect For The Environment And Camp Facilities

  • I will not bring my cell phone, tablet, music player, video games, or any other electronics to camp, because they detract from enjoyment of and interaction with others and with the natural world.
  • I will be sensitive to the environment. I will practice “No Trace Camping” and will always clean up after myself.
  • I will pick up litter, and not damage or remove anything from the environment or camp property.
  • I will respect and take care of Crestwood’s facilities, program supplies, and equipment.

If a camper has difficulty adhering to our Behaviour Agreement, Crestwood will:

  • Remind the camper of expected behaviour.
  • Review this Camper Behaviour Agreement above.
  • Discuss ways staff members can support the camper in making necessary behaviour improvements.

If a pattern of inappropriate behaviour continues, Crestwood staff will work with the camper to set specific, appropriate behaviour goals and outline consequences for continued inappropriate behaviour. Crestwood may ask parents/guardians for suggestions to help improve behaviour or, at the discretion of a Director, create a written behaviour contract, which will need to be signed by the camper and a parent/guardian in order for the camper to continue attending camp.  

At the discretion of a Director, continued inappropriate behaviour or severely inappropriate behaviour (such as physical or emotional violence, or possession of prohibited items) may result in dismissal from camp and the forfeiture of camp fees. A parent/guardian is responsible for picking up a dismissed camper immediately.

We require parents/guardians to read the Behaviour Agreement together with their new and returning camper(s), and by registering for camp, parents/guardians are acknowledging and accepting the responsibility to meet these expectations.

Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct

Our staff work tirelessly to provide a positive experience for our parents and guardians, in addition to our campers.  Communication is key, and the camp will always be sure to communicate important information to families throughout the summer, whether it pertains to all campers, or individual campers. In doing so, our expectation, regardless of the information being shared with you, is that parents/guardians will always show respect towards our staff. We are mindful that sometimes the information being shared may be upsetting, whether it be about  behavioural challenges, or health and safety concerns. Our commitment is always to work with you regarding any matter including putting strategies in place, and handling matters at hand. 

With this all in mind, any sort of physical or emotional harm directed towards any of our staff members, other campers and/or parents/guardians, from a parent/guardian will not be tolerated. To be clear, communicating aggressively or threatening any members of our staff team, or other campers and/or their parents/guardians, including but not limited to in-person communication, over the phone, or in writing, is strictly prohibited.    

We also expect that parents/guardians will provide all information to the camp regarding any known behavioural challenges they are working on with their camper(s) outside of camp. Unfortunately, there have been situations where families have not provided us with this information in advance of the summer, making it difficult to set up staff for success in providing their campers (and their cabinmates) with a positive experience when camp begins and throughout the summer. The more information you share with us, the better we can prepare our staff. This includes and is not limited to, behavioural challenges at home and at school, medications campers are taking to support their needs, or professionals campers are receiving support from as well. We understand some of this information is confidential in nature, and rest assured our team will respect this at all times.   

At the discretion of a Director, continued inappropriate communication or severely inappropriate behaviour as outlined above by campers or parents/guardians may result in the dismissal from camp and the forfeiture of camp fees.