Crestwood Valley Day Camp is a safe, caring community where individual differences are valued, where people are supported in reaching their goals and accomplishing challenges, and where everyone can have fun. Because creating such a community requires the commitment of all participants, we ask everyone to agree to the behaviour expectations listed below. Campers and parents/guardians should review and discuss these
expectations together. At camp we refer to them as the ‘3Rs’.

I Will Show Respect For Others

  • I will respect other people’s ideas and values, even if they are different from my own.
  • All of my actions and language will have a positive impact on others in the Crestwood community.
  • I understand that any behaviour that could harm (physically or emotionally) a camper or staff member, or
    which is disrespectful, is unacceptable at Crestwood Valley Day Camp.

I Will Show Respect For Myself

  • I will make the most of learning opportunities at Crestwood Valley Day Camp by participating fully in
    camp activities, and I will try new things and have a positive attitude.
  • I will not allow exclusive relationships (like those with friends from home or school) to prevent me from
    getting to know other people at camp, or from including others in activities.
  • I will stay with my cabin when moving around camp and always ask a counsellor before leaving the group.

I Will Show Respect For The Environment And Camp Facilities

  • I will not bring my cellular phone, music player, video games, radio, or other electronics to camp, because
    they detract from enjoyment of and interaction with others and with the natural world.
  • I will be sensitive to the environment. I will practice “No Trace Camping” and will always clean up after
  • I will pick up litter, and not damage or remove anything from the environment or camp premises.
  • I will take care of Crestwood Valley Day Camp’s facilities, program supplies, and equipment.

If a camper has difficulty adhering to our Behaviour Agreement, Crestwood will:

  • Remind the camper of expected behaviour.
  • Review the Behaviour Agreement above.
  • Discuss ways staff members can support the camper in making necessary behaviour improvements.

If a pattern of inappropriate behaviour continues, Crestwood Valley Day Camp staff will work with the camper to set specific, appropriate behaviour goals and outline consequences for continued inappropriate behaviour. Crestwood Valley Day Camp may ask parents/guardians for suggestions to help improve
behaviour or create a written behaviour contract.

Continued inappropriate behaviour or severely inappropriate behaviour (such as physical or emotional violence, bullying, or possession of prohibited items) will result in immediate dismissal from camp and forfeiture of camp fees. The parent/guardian is responsible for picking up a dismissed camper immediately.

We ask both the camper and the parent/guardian read the Behaviour Agreement together and acknowledge and accept the responsibility to meet these expectations.

Please download a copy of the Camper Behaviour Agreement to review with your children.